vikas bhoir
5 min readJul 12, 2021


Hey, I’m Vicky on this side,

Glad to see you, and hope you are doing great.

Today I’m going to talk about text messages. How it can help you and your business to grow.

Why texting is important for business. So take a deep breath and read the article so that you understand better, so let’s get started.


Did you know that the average person checks their phone 160 times a day?

This is just one reason why you can no longer ignore SMS marketing.

Forty-six percent of people say they check their phones before they even get out of bed.

Yes because we are used to mobile. And since the advent of the Internet, mobile became the primary thing.

And that’s what you do I do and every average person who has a mobile uses it, although in an interview Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said that I look at my mobile after waking up, news updates, job-related notification

Text message marketing gives you the perfect opportunity to connect with your customers on the devices they carry with them all day, every day. If that’s not enough to think about including text marketing in your marketing mix,


I know most of you know about SMS but what is the definition of SMS?

By definition, SMS marketing means short message service marketing. This is a marketing technique that uses text messages to communicate offers, updates, and reminders to customers

SMS marketing is sending promotional campaigns or transactional messages for marketing purposes using text messages (SMS). These messages are mostly meant to deliver time-sensitive offers, updates, and alerts to people who have consented to receive these messages from your business.

As a digital marketer, you have become accustomed to lead generation channels like email, banner ads, Google AdWords, and Facebook ad campaigns. But mobile devices open up an entirely new channel for a business to reach a highly targeted, receptive audience: SMS marketing, also known as text marketing. The use of text messaging is fast emerging as one of the best and most reliable ways to successfully communicate with your customer.


1. It’s Personal -

Your customers have a very personal relationship with their phones. It’s the way they engage with their friends and family. you’ll have an immediate, more intimate way to have a one-to-one conversation with your customer.

2. high open rate -

According to research, SMS has a 98 % of open rate, while email has only a 20% open rate. Text messaging has a 45% response rate, while email only has a 6% response rate.

97% of messages will be read within 15 minutes after delivery. It is clear that SMS has a personal touch and that receiving it from a brand is like receiving it from a friend or family member.

That makes SMS marketing a perfect channel for marketers who have a time-sensitive promotion or alert to share.

3. Customer Engagement -

Think of SMS as how your brand engages with your customers throughout the customer lifecycle. You can send daily updates, offers, content, information related to your business. Trending to increase engagement and remember your brand company or give testimonials is showing results for Ganrate Trust.

4. it’s simple-

Everyone knows how to open, read and text a message. In addition, thanks to the limit in length (160 characters), messages are short, direct, concise, and go straight to the point. And who doesn’t love it sweet and simple?

5.integrate with other channels-

It is important that all channels work well together within the marketing mix and SMS is no exception. SMS is a great standalone channel, however, it also has the potential to enhance and support other marketing mediums such as social media and email.


1. Welcome message-

  1. Sending greetings and a warm welcome. Give a short description of who you are, and how you help them.

2.Sales and promos.-

sending shortcodes or discounts, win quiz games, creating polls, deals, coupons, offer promotional products, and drive traffic on the sales page,

3.Appointment reminders.-

Sending SMS about how to use the product, confirmation of appointment. Provide reminders so that low-value customers or buyers can engage

4. Updates and daily content post-

To engage your audience send SMS to give updates and knowledge related to your industry produce more interesting facts, how to access news etc.

5.Event invitations.

join an online webinar, meeting any related Events, both online and in-person, are an engaging way to stay in touch with prospects and customers. to SMS and make them participants

6.Lifestyle and community-

Depending on the brand, sending inspiration and motivation can be a way to secure a positive place in customers’ trusted mobile space.

Are you interested in growing your business online read my blog before - how to grow business online? vickybhoir.com



vikas bhoir