vikas bhoir
6 min readMay 13, 2021


hi friend in today’s article, I will tell you the real methods of digital marketing, which I think that we all have to know because after the ending of this article your whole perspective of looking at digital marketing will change.

So please read this article if you are a digital professional, entrepreneur, business consultant, student, or have an interest in this field.

Let’s take a quick review:-

1.Fundamentals of digital marketing (the most important part we mostly avoid.)

2.Digital marketing vs. traditional marketing. (Why Traditional Marketing Still powerful in some scenarios.)

3. CATT marketing funnel. (important of having a funnel for business.)

4.Personal branding; mass trust. (magic secretes for growth most of the time we ignore.)

5.Integrated digital marketing : ( benefits o integrated digital marketing.)

After looking at all the uppers points you may have a question in mind, vikas really these key points will help Me In Digital Marketing growth?
Yapp so far not much, but if you use these matrices very well, no one will beat you in the market trust me.
I have seen so many startups failed badly, though they invest huge money on product service
But still, they failed. And the reason is they never have tried to understand customers, markets, and needs.
I hope after the end of this article you will get a full idea of how marketing actually works?
So let’s get start

Fundamentals of digital marketing.

So why it’s important to have known about the fundamental or basic of digital marketing?
Because here how we often ignore the basic things and then we stuck into problem or we can call it a big problem. Because there, not any new skill you can learn without basic. think about any new skill which you learned you know very well. (bike riding, cooking, singing car or English speaking whatever We had learned it from the basic right.

Digital marketing is less digital more marketing I have seen so many marketers who spend lots of money on the digital platform, struggle a lot for a good result but all fail because never they try to understand the market and their needs, they don’t know how to deliver the right message to the right audience.

digital platform is the only source to get an audience. If You know how to retain your customer lifelong, by with communicating them. how to make them feel happy, you will win the game.

they are so many changes that happen frequently into a digital platform, new updates and new features come. but marketing never will change because of its roots in human philology.

“Good marketing makes the company smart

and great marketing makes customer smart”

Digital marketing vs Traditional marketing:

Most people think that there is no future for traditional marketing after digital marketing, and yes, I agree with this statement. But in some scenarios, traditional marketing is still powerful.

in India TV is the main source of entertainment.
in India TV is the main source of entertainment.

in India TV is the main source of entertainment.

India has 298 million population country and 197 million have television, and still so many companies and brand are advertising on television. If you are product is generic and wide targeting, TV ads are best.

but in so many scenarios digital media is the best platform for marketing your product, building a brand, and creating awareness.

digital marketing can help you in so many ways

  1. cost-effective compare to traditional marketing
  2. you can personally communicate and engage with them
  3. real-time result and easy to track.
  4. better-targeted audience, remarketing, and automation.
  5. understand customer behavior and more.

and so many ways digital marketing is powerful for marketing as compare to traditional marketing.


every successful business has a funnel because there no business existence without the funnel. Even MacDonald has a business funnel. So we called it



having a clear niche it’s important to you to know your target audience and buyer, more you know about your audience more you understand your customer and his needs and then you can market well.


once you know your niche your audience very well, then now you can feed them according to what they want, what they have problem or pain. and as soon as they scrolling on digital media we can give information according to.
we called content. (content will be in various formate blog, post, video image podcast, and more.)


now you need to drive traffic on a digital platform to aware of your brand and your existence (youtube, S.E.O social media post, paid ads )


once you able to drive traffic and they have consumed your content related to their problem, needs desire, now they started knowing about you and they will start putting some trust on you. (automation,remarketing)


which is the most important, now you can sell them your product easily. because if there are no sales happened not business will exist.

Personal branding-

We All Know the Power Of Branding. Branding is Not About having number One, It’s All About Having Only One In Your Particular Niche.

There Are So Many Benefits Of Having A Good Brand.

The Brand Makes A Memorable Experience For Your Audience. Branding Is All About Creating Your Own Unique Identity In Such A Way That Not Any Competitor Can Beat You in your Niche.

Great companies that build an enduring brand have an emotional relationship with customers that has no barrier. And that emotional relationship is on the most important characteristic, which is trust. — Howard Schultz.

(you can use this blueprint to build your own brand)

learn- you have to learn your own founded skill, focus, learn the fact, remember the concept. how any actress, sportsmen, singer most of the successful people have a brand because they acquired a new. skill.

Work- now you need to put your skill into work, to improve yourself. and practice implementing in the real world.

Blog- start writing because while writing you understand better. blogs have much value to build your brand.

Consult- now you have knowledge, information, your brand so start consulting people instead of working with them.

Mentor-guide people or teach them, who wanted to become like you. you will understand your own fact.

Startup- now you can develop your own product/ service. you understand the market well.

(the blueprint is a complete cycle you should have to do frequently.)

Integrated digital marketing-

Integrated Marketing is a strategic approach to integrating communications and interactive experiences targeting defined audiences and individuals which coordinates all aspects of marketing of a brand, including Paid media (offline advertising, direct marketing, and online display, and programmatic email marketing, SMM.)

The Benefits of an Integrated Marketing Campaign:

  • It’s Cost Effective. Creating digital assets like content, images, and graphics costs time and money. …
  • It Builds Trust with Your Audience. …
  • It Eliminates Confusion. …
  • It Puts You Top-of-Mind. …
  • Improved Results. …
  • Improved Brand Image. …
  • Cost-Effective.
  • Reduced Confusion. ..

Thank you for reading this article, hope the article will help you to understand digital marketing and Also hope you will implement it into your niche.

(the article is part of my assignment my mentor





vikas bhoir